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周六,鲍威尔中学的女子田径队在黄石会议的比赛中占据了主导地位, with both teams winning titles after … more
Countless hours spent in the gym, 其中许多人就在他上个月签署意向书的同一家监狱里, paid off for Powell High School senior Gunnar Erickson, who will continue his … more
After a five game winning streak was snapped in Billings the weekend prior, 鲍威尔先锋队上周末回到蒙大拿州,并带着四连胜离开. Powell earned an extra … more
Hoping to wrap up the quick month-long season, 鲍威尔中学男子田径队于周六前往温泉城参加黄石会议, where the … more
鲍威尔黑豹男子足球队以1比0的比分击败了布里杰谷的对手,获得了参加州锦标赛的资格, defeating Mountain View 1-0 on Friday and Lyman 1-0 … more
鲍威尔豹女子田径队在两周后的州运动会中增加了一些赛季末的自动预选赛. Three new athletes qualified and four new qualifying marks were … more
鲍威尔黑豹男子田径队在常规赛的最后一个周末增加了一项新的州自动资格赛. Powell battled tough wind on Thursday in Cody at the … more
两场主场胜利将鲍威尔黑豹女子足球队的连胜纪录扩大到五连胜, 在周五以6比0击败山景城,周六以6比2击败莱曼之后,这场激动人心的… more
在周六举行的鲍威尔体育圆桌中学邀请赛上,鲍威尔中学女子田径队占据了主导地位, where the seventh grade girls broke a record and … more
鲍威尔中学男孩田径队在他们唯一的主场比赛中取得了巨大的胜利, 在鲍威尔体育圆桌中学击败科迪和瑟莫波利斯队 more
去年冬天,鲍威尔青年达南·奥拉姆在怀俄明州证明了他是同龄人中最好的罚球射手. 这让他获得了一生难得的经历,赢得了10-11岁年龄组的冠军…… more
在比林斯的一个艰难的星期天,鲍威尔先锋队以五连胜告终, 先锋队在客场以13比9和4比3输给比林斯红雀队.     BILLINGS … more
鲍威尔豹男孩田径队有机会参加周五在卡斯珀举行的怀俄明田径经典赛以及在考利举行的落基山邀请赛, where the … more
周五,鲍威尔黑豹女子田径运动员在卡斯珀举行的怀俄明州田径经典赛上表现出色, where Waycee Harvey tied a 24-year-old record in the 400 meters, … more
Ten years, or approximately 3,654 days, 这是鲍威尔黑豹女子足球队22年历史上第一次和第二次战胜科迪, with the Panthers enjoying a sensational … more
A physical, 上周二在科迪进行的一场艰苦的比赛中,鲍威尔黑豹男子足球队以4:0的比分输掉了比赛, dropping the Panthers into a set of key games down the final … more
这是鲍威尔黑豹女子足球队在学校历史上第二次击败科迪小飞人队, winning 6-3 on Tuesday night in Cody, while the boys dropped a physical 4-0 contest … more
在周六对阵比林斯蓝鸟队的第二场比赛中,球队表现出色, 鲍威尔先锋队以8-2获胜,最后以21-16秒幸存下来。 more
周二晚上,一场黄昏的对打给了鲍威尔黑豹队的男孩们与跨县对手科迪队的机会, dropping a close team battle but earning several new state qualifying marks. … more
鲍威尔豹女子田径队在周二晚上与科迪队的主场双人比赛中排名落后, but earned a couple of new qualifying marks for the state meet next month. … more
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