Home improvement coverage from around the web


(BPT) -在不断变化的城市和郊区生活景观中, 混合用途的开发已经成为智能社区的一个例子. Blending convenience, sustainability, and a vibrant social …
With a little forethought and the proper equipment, 你和你的家庭或生意可以经受任何自然灾害.

Outdoor Power Equipment Helps Weather A Storm or Power Outage

(NAPSI)—Storms are growing more powerful and frequent, 因此,拥有合适的户外电源设备并安全使用是很重要的, says the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute (OPEI). Home …


(Family Features) Updating your HVAC (heating, 通风和空调系统以智能和可持续的方式冷却你的家,包括几个步骤,不仅提高能源效率,还减少对环境的影响.

Focus on these 4 areas to protect your home's exterior

(BPT) - While you probably know your deck needs waterproofing, did you know many other materials outside your home like concrete, masonry and fabrics also need protection? To help keep exterior parts …


美国能源部(DOE)最近发布了更高的热水器能效标准,该标准将于2029年生效. Focusing on decarbonization, the new standards …


是时候迎接温暖月份的清新气息进入十大网赌信誉网址大厅进入的家,拥抱新的季节了. 对十大网赌信誉网址大厅进入中的许多人来说,每年的这个时候都是一个更新和重新组织的机会. Spring and summer …

Residential Refresh: Personalized touches for your home

(Family Features) 你的家是你、你的个性和你的生活方式的表达. When it comes to personalizing your home's aesthetic, try leaning into your senses to inspire change within your space.

5 Easy, Space-Saving Room Ideas

(BPT) -希望在这个家庭装修季节更新空间不足的房间? 将传统的旋转门改装成口袋门很简单, practical way to increase the amount …

More ideas for your home
Bring balance and imperfection to the kitchen through Japandi style
(BPT) - Balance and harmony. 这是在空间概念化的初始阶段要考虑的两个重要设计原则. This is especially true in the kitchen, the heart and soul …
Elevate your outdoor retreat with 4 innovative hardscaping designs
(BPT) - As spring and summer approach, it's time to consider how you'll use your outdoor spaces this year. 你的后院、露台、前草坪和花园不仅仅是户外活动的场所. They are …
7 tips for electrical safety in and around your home
(BPT) - May is Electrical Safety Month! 这是一个提醒自己与电力相关的潜在危险的好时机,要积极主动地保护家里和周围的电力安全, …
Building an ADU? Save space and energy by going tankless
(BPT) - Over the past few years, 越来越多的美国家庭选择了几代同堂的生活方式. 联合世代的一项调查发现,26%的美国成年人生活在……
High-ROI Spring Home Projects
(Family Features) 无论你是想为潜在的销售增加价值,还是仅仅创造一个更舒适的生活空间, 你可以充分利用这个季节,通过这样的项目为你的家注入新的活力.
Caring for your home and family

From Kitchen to Curb: Simple Ways to Refresh Your Home

(BPT) - Following historical trends, 春季和夏季是房地产市场一年中最活跃的时期. 对于2023年的卖家来说,6月前两周上市的房屋售价为2英镑.3% …

3 Tips to Improve Indoor Air Quality This Spring

(BPT) - As temperatures rise and flowers begin to bloom, 让你的家成为一个远离花粉和其他过敏原的避难所比以往任何时候都重要. This spring, upgrading your home air …
Home ideas

5 Home Updates to Provide Peace of Mind for Your Family

(Family Features) 家装项目通常侧重于更新你的房子的美学, 但让你的生活空间更安全、更舒适的升级有时甚至更重要.

A Tool to Help Hobbyists and Professionals Get the Job Done

(Family Features) Whether you're into woodworking, metalworking, building models or another craft or hobby, the right tools allow you to work faster, easier and smarter. 考虑这个有能力和多才多艺的项目合作伙伴为您的下一个DIY工作.
Generac Urges Americans to Prepare for Power Outages Early
Generac Urges Americans to Prepare for Power Outages Early
(susa十大网赌信誉网址大厅进入)——最近的Generac/Harris Poll调查提供了对大范围停电准备的见解*随着2024年大西洋飓风季节预计将有最高的活动水平…
Moving Season Security: 6 solutions to safeguard valuables
(Family Features) It's moving season, which means packing up valuables like tech devices, family heirlooms, 珠宝和其他东西,相信他们会安全到达你的新地方.
Moving Resources For Military Families
(NAPSI)——军人家庭和退伍军人都知道,当个人电脑订单到达时,为亲人搬家可能会有压力——但你可以采取一些措施让事情变得更容易.   Keeping Military …
Spray Texture 101
(BPT) -从在天花板上添加一点尺寸到在重点墙上做出大胆的声明, texture is playing a larger role in home décor. The use of visual texture can help elevate a …
The most affordable way to create your forever home? Above-floor plumbing
在今天的房地产市场,买房可能不是最明智的主意. If you bought or refinanced your home in early 2022, 你可能可以利用低利率和…
More Home Improvement News

Tips to “Yard Your Way” This Spring

Choose plants that support pollinators and wildlife.

今年春天,房主们可以采取“自家院子”的态度,为自己的户外空间增添色彩, advises the TurfMutt Foundation, which is celebrating 15 years of …

Keep Up with Kitchen Trends

(Family Features) 厨房的升级通常都是为了满足家庭的需求而进行的实际更新. 在你深入厨房项目之前,考虑一下这些流行的设计建议.


(Family Features) Because firing up the grill can make prepping meals quick and easy, 它可以让你有更多的时间和朋友和家人在一起,而不是因为困在厨房里而错过了阳光.


Rocket Loans报告说,大大小小的房屋改善提供了良好的投资回报.

Top Tips for Signature Scents and Better-Smelling Laundry

When it comes to laundry, 气味一致的产品对你来说意味着成功的甜蜜.

(NAPSI)—You should have a signature scent. Whether fruity or floral, herbal or homey, 随身携带这种香水会让你全天候都感觉精神饱满.   …

Clear the Air of Indoor Pollutants This Spring

Discover the hidden hazards lurking within your home. From dust to pet dander and volatile organic compounds, 室内污染物会影响你的健康,但简单的策略可以净化空气,创造更健康的生活空间.

在春天,人们常常关注户外的空气质量. 但室内空气质量(IAQ)也是整体健康和福祉的一个关键方面. Unbeknownst to many, …